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Getting Started

The Voxel Cloud Generator (VCG) is a tool consisting of three main functionalities (found in the three tabs):

  • Print File Generator: generate print files for printing on the CERES system according to the required Print File Format
  • Log Viewer: load CERES print log files for display and analysis
  • Iontip Calibrator: obtain the pressure - voxel diameter relation for an iontip from print log files

General remarks

  • The VCG is written in Mathworks MATLAB.
  • The VCG is designed to complement the CERES operating software (CAPA).
  • The primary function of the VCG is to generate print files in .csv format that can be loaded into CAPA.
  • The VCG also generates a .mat file with metadata for each (.csv) print file. CAPA requires both the .mat and .csv to be present.
  • CAPA generates print log data that can be moved to and visualized in the Log Viewer tab.
  • Complete log data access and further analysis tools are available through MATLAB itself.


  • A supported version of Mathworks MATLAB is installed, other versions of MATLAB may not work. Please check the README.txt for a list of supported Matlab versions.
  • To fetch print log files created by CAPA, the VCG uses the <BaseExportDirectory> value of CAPA defined in the settings file located in %localAppData%/Exaddon/CAPA/settings.xml.
  • It is strongly recommended to use the Windows operator account at all times while printing. The <BaseExportDirectory> should be set accordingly.


  • Refer to README.txt for the installation instructions.

Starting the VCG

  • Start MATLAB and set the Current Folder to the folder chosen at installation that contains VCG.p.
  • In the MATLAB command window, type VCG and hit enter.