Measure Angle
This workflow is used to measure the angle between the X axis and a line consisting of two selected points on a substrate. The angle can be used to rotate a print design to make it match the features on a substrate.
Selecting points
Once the workflow is active, a crosshair appears on the video feed. By grabbing
it, you can place it anywhere on the video feed. Click on Select start point
and Select end point
to use the current position of the crosshair as either
start or end point.
You can use the navigation tool to move to positions which are farther away. This allows you to measure distances and angles across wells and plates.
By selecting either the start or end point and clicking
Move to selected point
, the CERES system will place the currently active
camera above the selected point.
Some positions are not accessible by both cameras. Trying to move to an inaccessible position will result in an error.
Determining the angle
If two points have been selected, the workflow immediately displays the calculated angle, the delta of the two selected points and the distance between the points. Changing either the start or end position again updates the values.