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3D Printing

1. Prerequisites

Additionally, the Calibration Offset can be set using the 3D Printing Calibration. This allows for more accurate printing.

2. Printing in a nutshell

Navigate into the 3D printing workflow:


  1. Set the right print parameters
  2. Add at least one print file to the task list
  3. Start printing


Time out
If the printing process comes to a halt, the system waits this specified amount of time before executing the Time out action.
Time out action
The action to execute when the printing process reaches a time out. You can choose one of the following actions:
  • Abort the whole printing process
  • Pause the printing process
  • Cancel the current print structure and continue with the next one
  • Cancel the current print structure and pause the printing process
Use transformation
Apply a transformation (translation and rotation) to each file that is printed. In combination with Preview, this allows you to place a print file at a specific position.
Select one or multiple print files and click the preview button to display a preview of the structures at the XY position specified in the print file using the top view camera.
Move to start position
Moves the top view camera to the start position of the currently selected file.
Move to chamber center
Moves the top view to the center of the printing chamber. This usually corresponds to the center of the substrate.

Clicking on Print Params will open the Print Configuration dialog where the printing parameters can be set. The default values are loaded every time the software is started.

This is the Print Configuration dialog:


Voxel Detection Threshold
The cantilever deflection setpoint that defines voxel completion. The setpoint is relative. Recommended is 0.4 mV up to 200 mbar. Above 200 mbar 1 mV is recommended.
Setpoint Detection Window
The amount of sample points used for threshold detection of the cantilever deflection signal. The first sample of the window is subtracted from the last sample of the window. If the result exceeds the voxel detection threshold, a voxel completed event is triggered. It is recommended to use the LogViewer and analyze the deflection data to find a correct window size.
Initial Approach Speed
The approach speed of the cantilever at the start of the printing run. Maximum recommended speed is 20 µm/s.
Approach Detection Threshold
The cantilever deflection setpoint in Volts that has to be reached when the system first approaches the sample before printing. The tip will approach the sample at (X0, Y0). If the Approach Detection Threshold has been reached, the software defines the current z-position as Z0.
Initial Retract Height
After the tip has reached the substrate surface at (X0, Y0, Z0) it retracts the distance specified here and continues to the first voxel location at (X1, Y1) travelling at the defined height above the substrate surface.
Record Log Files
Set to yes to store the deflection signal (in Volts) to a .txt file. Print parameters and detected voxels are written to different files even when this parameter is set to no.
Print Retract Distance
To avoid collision when moving from one print structure to the next one, this distance is added to the currently defined content height when moving to the start position of the next print structure.
Safety Retract Distance
The distance to retract after a print structure has been printed. This helps to mitigate collisions with already printed structures.
Wait Time Before Approach
The time to wait after 0 mbar have been applied but before the approach starts. This prevents false deflection detections as the tip might still oscillate during the approach if no wait time is used.

4. Add files

Clicking on Add Files... opens up a file selection dialog. You can add any number of files. Multiple files can be selected and added in alphabetic order at once.

Click and drag the dotted area left of the file name tag to reorder manually. Clicking on the graph icon on the right of the file name tag gives a 3D visualization of the voxels in the print file.

5. Start printing

Clicking Print will immediately start the printing run. The printing can be started at any tip position and continues until the last print file in the task list has been printed.

6. Progress monitoring

The progress monitor contains several items:


At the top right the estimated print time remaining is shown. A count down timer shows the active voxel as a fraction of the total amount of voxels in the current print file. Voxel 14526 out of a total 16700 voxels is being printed in this example. The location (x, y, z) of the active voxel is displayed. The mean time, calculated over the already printed voxels is displayed. The last voxel duration is shown as well. In case the voxel print duration was very short, the aggregate printing time of multiple voxels is displayed. The name of the active print file is highlighted. Clicking the graph icon on the right displays a 3D rendering of the design.


The Z coordinate of the active voxel gives valuable information about the tip - sample separation. If the system does not print, it could be that the Z coordinate specified in the .csv file is incorrect. It should be very close (few 100 nm to max. a few µm from the surface).

7. Task list navigation

All actions can be done at any time during the printing.

By clicking Add Files..., more print files can be added to the task list. Clicking on the X mark on the right of a file name tag removes the file from the task list.

The order of the files can be swapped by clicking on the dotted area of a print file entry and dragging it to the desired position.

There are four controls displayed at the bottom of the dialog that allow (from left to right):

  • Skipping a file and continuing with the next
  • Pause after current
  • Pause right away
  • Abort printing

A print file that has been printed will be grayed out but still visible in the list.

As soon as the printing stops the files that have printed will be removed from the task list. The files that have not been printed remain in the list.

8. Log Files

The workflow produces three different log files per print file. All files are saved to %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Exaddon/Print Data.

Each file features a header row containing the version and type of the file as well as another row representing column headers.

Deflection Log

The deflection log contains records with the current deflection and Z level of the probe. The deflection and positioning signals are sampled with a rate of 1384 Hz.

The deflection log has got the following naming scheme:

{YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS}_{print file name}_DL.txt



The file is structured as follows:

V1 DeflectionLog Exaddon
Deflection [V],Z level [mm]
{deflection in Volts},{Z level in mm}
{deflection in Volts},{Z level in mm}
{deflection in Volts},{Z level in mm}


V1 DeflectionLog Exaddon
Deflection [V],Z level [mm]

Voxel Log

The voxel log contains a record for each detected voxel. Each record shows the maximum deflection reached while printing a single voxel, the time it took to print the voxel and how the voxel was detected. Voxel log files follow this naming scheme:

{YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS}_{print file name}_VL.txt



The file is structured as follows:

V1 VoxelLog Exaddon
Deflection [V],Duration [ms],Detection Type
{max voxel deflection in Volts},{voxel duration in ms},{detection type}
{max voxel deflection in Volts},{voxel duration in ms},{detection type}
{max voxel deflection in Volts},{voxel duration in ms},{detection type}

The following detection types exist:

  • Normal
  • Collision
  • PointAlreadyThere


V1 VoxelLog Exaddon
Deflection [V],Duration [ms],Detection Type

Properties Log

The properties log contains a list of parameters that were used to print a single structure. It uses the following naming scheme:

{YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS}_{print file name}_PL.txt



The file is structured as follows:

V1 PropertiesLog Exaddon


V1 PropertiesLog Exaddon
TipType,Exaddon iontip 300

9. Tip cleaning

It can happen that the tip clogs during the printing process. The user can wash and recover the tip with the built-in washing tool. A well plate with washing liquids should be already loaded into the right port of the printer.


12-hole wellplate placed into the right port of the printer for tip washing

The following process is an example for washing a tip after printing Copper:


The above mentioned screenshot shows an example of the following steps:

  1. Etching the cantilever inside a “Copper etching solution” at 50 mbar overpressure for 2 minutes in the B4 well.
  2. Rinsing the cantilever in B3-B2-B1 wells at different overpressures in demineralized water.
  3. After the washing process, the tip will move back to its original position, if the Restore Pos checkbox is checked.

Make sure that the potentiostat always applies an appropriate potential to the electrochemical cell to prevent dissolving of already printed structures. Even short interruption may lead to (partial) dissolution of structures that were already printed.